Riverpod Clean Feature Brick
A "feature" brick, based on Riverpod + Clean Architecture in mind, with proper usage, which means:
- no dogmas
- creates only what's needed
- no unnecessary code
- no unnecessary layers of indirection
This brick allows us to create a new feature, and its output is based on this architecture.
Architecture Summary
TL;DR, clean architecture is based on the following layers:
- Presentation layer
- pages
- widgets
- providers
- controllers
- views
- Domain layer
- entities
- services (or "use cases")
- repositories interfaces
- adapters
- Data layer
- repositories
- sources
- models
- adapters
- etc.
We strongly simplify that, but still have the same mental/conceptual mapping. Indeed, this brick won't generate any data layer for you, as it's meant to stay... somewhere else. Check the architecture example above for more information.
Available customizations:
- codegen y/n
- freezed y/n
- state: none, controller, provider, both
- pages y/n
- models: y/n
Getting started
New to Mason? Read the documentation to learn how to spin up this brick!
This project might need your help. Please raise issues about bugs or unexpected behaviors and submit PRs if you will.