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29 bricks found.


Scaffolding a flutter app with bloc, data/domain/presentation clean separation and optionally code tests/homepage

0.1.0(2 years ago)13

A new brick created with the Mason CLI, to use in clean achitecture

0.1.0+3(6 months ago)3

Unit tests for scaffolding a flutter app with bloc, data/domain/presentation

0.1.0(2 years ago)3

Bloc router feature module generator

0.1.2(9 months ago)3

A brick created some class template use bloc cubit with freezed.

0.1.0+1(3 weeks ago)1

Bloc by templates brick

0.1.0+1(last year)1

A brick created some class template use bloc cubit with freezed.

0.1.1+1(3 weeks ago)0

for dr_bloc_test.

0.1.2+3(3 months ago)0

for dr_bloc.

0.1.2+3(3 months ago)0