Brick Hub


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333 bricks found.


A Very Good Flutter app created by Very Good Ventures.

0.6.1(last month)20,623

A Simple Greeting Template

0.1.0+2(2 years ago)17,407

A brick to create your model with properties and all the supporting methods, copyWith, to/from json, equatable and more!

0.8.0(4 months ago)13,809

An example brick.

0.1.0+1(2 years ago)10,119

A brick to create a feature using best practices and your state management of choice!

0.6.2(last year)8,919

A Very Good Dart package created by Very Good Ventures.

0.5.1(last month)8,603

A Very Good Flutter package created by Very Good Ventures.

0.5.1(last month)8,286

A brick that simplifies generating Github actions for Dart/Flutter monorepos

1.0.0(6 months ago)7,569

A brick to create your UI package that holds all your app's Colors, Typography, Layout, Theme, and more!

0.0.4(last year)5,371

A Very Good Dart CLI created by Very Good Ventures.

0.6.1(last month)4,603