Brick Hub


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333 bricks found.


Fastly create a new flutter project using the atomic & CSR feature brick design.

0.2.0+1(last year)79

A brick to add common dependencies when working with Riverpod to your project

0.1.0(last year)75

A new brick created with the Mason CLI for generating flutter package.

0.1.0+4(last year)73

Create a ruby class with specs.

0.1.0+1(last year)64

A brick to create boilerplate code for new feature with riverpod.

0.1.0+4(last year)63

Template to generate bricks for dart-pacotes/.bricks

0.1.0+1(last year)58

Generates source-code for abstractions of the data layer

0.1.0+1(last year)55

A brick that creates a smart web entry point for Flutter that preloads its assets before starting the app.

0.2.0(6 months ago)54

A snackbar service that provides snackbar functionality. Depends on Getx.

0.1.0+1(last year)54

A brick to generate a BLoC

0.3.0(last month)53