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340 bricks found.


a starter template for flutter/firebase/riverpod/hooks/gorouter/flavors/theming/icons/launchscreen.

1.0.0(11 months ago)23

Boilerplate for clean architecture using fewer libraries

1.4.0(3 weeks ago)22

A brick to create a RxNotifier structure for your project!

0.0.1(last year)22

A mason brick for implementing BLoC architecture in your Flutter project.

0.1.0+3(last year)19

Generate app with go_router, riverpod and isar.

0.3.0+1(9 months ago)17

A brick for create project flutter setup.

0.2.1+5(4 months ago)17

Responsive layout with flutter

0.1.2+3(last year)17

A brick for create features.

0.3.0+7(2 months ago)15

Create folder and classes by clean architecture.

0.1.0+5(last year)15

This brick generate a network client for dart projects using the http package.

0.1.2+3(last year)15