Brick Hub


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338 bricks found.


Generates domain use case classes to encapsulate business logic in a Clean Architecture Flutter project.

0.1.0+1(6 months ago)1

A brick to create a database provider.

0.1.0+1(3 months ago)1

Generates units test for the scaffolding_home brick, depends on scaffolding_home and scaffolding bricks

0.1.0(last year)1

A brick to create Clean Architecture Folders.

1.0.0+3(6 days ago)0

Brick de template da funcionalidade de redefinir senha.

0.1.0+1(last week)0

Generates domain repository classes for maintaining clean data access in your Flutter project.

0.1.0+1(6 months ago)0

A brick to create a template of contact us feature.

0.1.0+1(4 months ago)0

Generates data models and domain entities in your clean-architected project.

0.1.0+1(6 months ago)0

Initializes the basic requirements for a clean architected project.

0.1.0+1(6 months ago)0

Brick used to create the domain and data layer files in a Clean Architecture Structure.

0.0.1+1(10 months ago)0