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334 bricks found.


Generates a clean architecture structure with dependency injection

0.1.1(last year)559

Mason brick for Bloc with freezed.

0.1.1(2 years ago)554

Brick to generate template code for Elementary entities.

0.0.3(8 months ago)541

Generate Rust modules through flutter_rust_bridge.

0.1.1(6 months ago)529

Add riverpod, go_router, google_font with Theme support in Default App. No more time lost to write boilerplate code.

0.1.5(last year)527

A brick to create a clean Infinum architecture folder structure, as shown in Dasher app.

1.0.0(last year)498

A Flutter starter app that includes support for an HTTP client, themes, routing, localization, and dependency injection.

1.1.6+9(last month)497

A new brick created with the Mason CLI.

0.1.0+2(last year)485

A Very Good WearOS Flutter app created by Very Good Ventures.

0.4.1(last month)480

A brick to create a page with view and bloc

0.2.0(last year)429