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23 bricks found.


Generate a new HydratedBloc in Dart. Built for the bloc state management library.

0.3.1(2 months ago)181

Generate a new HydratedCubit in Dart. Built for the bloc state management library.

0.2.1(2 months ago)180

Generate a new ReplayCubit in Dart. Built for the bloc state management library.

0.2.1(2 months ago)158

Generate a new ReplayBloc in Dart. Built for the bloc state management library.

0.2.1(2 months ago)150

Generate a new cubit test in Dart. Built for the bloc state management library with freezed.

0.0.1+1(last year)129

A flutter project blueprint for building maintainable and scalable flutter apps.

1.2.0(last month)87

A brick to generate a BLoC

0.3.0(2 months ago)56

A building block to easily create feature folders using the Clean Architecture approach.

0.0.5(last year)54

A new brick created for block pattern.

0.1.2+3(last year)37

A mason brick for implementing BLoC architecture in your Flutter project.

0.1.0+3(last year)19